Effect of airflow rate on CO2 concentration in downflow indoor ventilation

Guru Sreevanshu Yerragolam, Rui Yang, Richard J.A.M. Stevens, Roberto Verzicco, and Detlef Lohse presented a poster entitled "Effect of airflow rate on CO2 concentration in downflow indoor ventilation" at Burgers Symposium 2023 - De Werelt, Lunteren, Netherlands.
Cite this:
Yerragolam, G. S., Yang, R., Stevens, R. J. A. M., Verzicco, R., & Lohse, D. (2023). Effect of airflow rate on CO2 concentration in downflow indoor ventilation. Poster session presented at Burgers Symposium 2023, Lunteren, Netherlands.
Cite this:
Yerragolam, G. S., Yang, R., Stevens, R. J. A. M., Verzicco, R., & Lohse, D. (2023). Effect of airflow rate on CO2 concentration in downflow indoor ventilation. Poster session presented at Burgers Symposium 2023, Lunteren, Netherlands.
Future Events
Past Events

The annual MIST Consortium meeting took place at Eindhoven on January 15th, with two morning and afternoon sessions to facilitate interaction between the research team and industrial partners.

Kirsten Lassing participated at the ICC 2024 Congress in Istanbul, Turkey from November 3 to 6, 2024, and presented two posters during the event.

The poster entitled "Fluorescent Tracer-Based Evaluation of Respiratory Protective Equipment Efficiency Against SARS-CoV-2 Virus Exposure" will be presented by Dr. Paul Scheepers at the ISES Global 2024 Congress in Montreal, Canada from October 20 to 24, 2024.

The fourth and final MIST workshop took place on 8th July at the Delft University of Technology.

Presentation at Annual NVT Meeting 2024;
Title of Poster: Use of a Quantitative Microbial Risk Assessment model for airborne transmission of SARS-CoV-2 to evaluate the efficacy of mitigation strategies;
Date: 18-19 June, 2024;
Location: Reehorst, Ede;
Contributors: K Lassing, N Horstink, L Vermeulen, S Herfst, H. F.L. Wertheim, and P. T.J. Scheepers.

3rd MIST workshop was organised on 5th June, at the venue of the CLAIRE congress (https://claireproject.nl/meedoen/claire-congres/).

The second MIST workshop, organised by TU Delft on May 22nd, brought together participants from various stakeholders from Orange Climate, bba binnenmilieu, TNO, and Amsterdam UMC. The objective of this workshop was to discuss the personal experiences and challenges faced in the manufacturing, installation, consultation, and use of ventilation, air cleaning, and related systems.

MIST partners met researchers and industry at the Stockholm International Fairs for Scanvac's RoomVent 2024, on 22-24 April 2024 in Stockholm.

Title: Exploring respiratory virus microbiology: advancing respiratory protective equipment testing with a fluorescent tracer for airborne virus exposure mitigation.
Presenter: Kirsten Lassing
Contributors: Paul T.J. Scheepers, Nayandra Verzaal, Henk Jan Holterman, and Heiman F.L. Wertheim.
Date: April 9 and 10, 2024
Location: Congrescentre Papendal, Arnhem

The first Ph.D. took place on April 3rd at the University of Twente. It centred on discussing variations and commonalities in definitions across various fields, followed by a workshop on terminology and a journal club session. Additionally, the event included a lunch lecture led by Stefan van der Vegte from Medspray BV.

Title: Airborne virus exposure mitigation by advancing respiratory protective equipment testing with a fluorescent tracer.
Presenter: Kirsten Lassing
Contributors: Heiman F.L. Wertheim, Nayandra Verzaal, Henk Jan Holterman, and Paul T.J. Scheepers
Date: 19-21 March, 2024
Location: Berlin, Germany

The MIST annual meeting occurred on February 2nd, 2024, at the University Theatre hosted by the University of Amsterdam. Partners discussed research progress, followed by interactive sessions where challenges were brainstormed and external invitees shared their experiences.

Poster session presented at Burgers Symposium 2023, Lunteren, Netherlands.

The MIST project Kick Off! Mitigation Strategies for Airborne Infection Control - an NWO funded perspectief grant from NWO (Dutch Research Council)...

Perspective awardees (MIST among the awarded) was presented at the NWO innovation festival TEKNOWLOGY.